Welcome to nano4women - the career-network for (junior-) scientists, which has been launched on 18th November, 2005, in the course of an international conference and career day in nanotechnologies to become a cross-national network.
"NEnA" - the start-up initiative of nano4women
Start-up with NEnA since 2007:
- 3 X Nano-Entrepreneurship-Academies for 32 young female scientists each.
- In cooperation with 3 universities in Germany.
- and the chance to win 3 participations in an exchange programme with the USA for the winner of the contest.
NEnA - what is behind all this?
Nano + Women = Future²! Nano4women - are you already in?
as student, young female scientist in the field of the science with the largest potential as to innovation and future: the nanotechnology. You know it already: Germany is presently the European number one in this technology. The aim of e.g. the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is to perform high-technology research and to maintain a leading position in technology in many fields of indusry, research and science even in the long term. However, in view of the demographic development a massive decline of graduates must be expected.
For this reason nano4women, the career network for young female scientists had been launched! We need YOU - more female experts and scientists, which are active and engaged in the biggest market of today and of the future.
... and: YOU want to get ahead!
In the course of our international conference on 18.11.2005 we discussed the big chances, potentials and visions of nanotechnologies now and in future on an international platform. You will find a brief summary and conclusion on quicktime (click here for the actual quicktime player version), a film documentation of our international future talk at the end of the conference, which expressively reflects the different strategies of successful top female nano scientists and mentors of our network, reconciling job and family in their individual Life-Work-Balance-Concept. Look and see…
The future is "nano" and it is in your hands! Participate and become a member of the cross-country network nano4women!
International female scientists and nano-experts from education, research and industry are waiting for you to exchange interesting and progressive aspects of the "nanoversum".
nano4women -
Big future with smallest technology:
Career chances -
common development
of visions
Here you will find a summary of the programme of our conference in 2005:
JOB & CAREER: Present yourself... on our company exhibition
NETWORKING: Create an efficient cross-country network together with your colleagues!
> Smart-Clothes-Fashion Show
> Science Price of special kind, sponsored by Degussa AG, first prize: 1.000 Euros